Smile On

Yesterday night I couldn't sleep at all. As usual, when results are about to come out, I can't seem to stay calm. I really worry to much, and it makes it worst since UiTM results are sent by email at the middle of the night.
At the night of results, twitter will be swarming with post like, "berdebar-debar", "takutnya..." or "result nak keluar, tak tenang!", some sort like that, and I'll be more nervous when after 12am, one by one will start tweeting, 'Allhamdulillah', 'Syukur', 'Kecewa', 'Memang dah agak, salah aku juga', 'Punah Harapan', and a lot more. At that time I'll get more and more frustrated cause I usually get my email late than others. I won't be able to sleep at all and keep on refreshing my inbox and spam folder. Thank god this time I don't have to wait in front of the computer anymore.

This time, everyone's their results by office 365. I opened my email. Ok, dah masuk.. Jap jap... I went to the toilet to wash my face first, eventhough mata dah segar bugar, capai cermin mata and grabbed back my tab.

The result was like...................Alhamdullilah

My eyes went straight to the grades first, didn't dare to look at the CGPA, so I looked at the grades, there were no C's. Allhamdulillah, no C's, I thought I was gonna have a lot of that, but I got A's. SO I moved my eyes little by little to the CGPA and it stated 3.++! As usual as I achieve my target I'll scream wohooooooooooooooooo!!! Melompat-lompat lari ke telifon call ibu kat Johor Bharu and she was Alhamdullilah. She just said congrats only. That all !

Since it was 3am, I didn't show it to my grany until 5am that morning. I was hoping for a better response, but as usual I won't get that from grany. 'tu je? huhh..' ok tu je response dia, dari dulu la macam tu walau bagus mana pun result aku, so dah biasa. Just hoping that I can keep this up for next semester.Just hope that I can make them proud one day.

Anyways, bersyukur sangat-sangat with my results, couldn't have wished better. Hope next semester I could improve more and maybe think of a better learning method there. I should try to adapt to the new enviroment. I so living in the past I think.

So guys wish me luck!

For my last sem this upcoming sem....

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