Salam people!

4.30am in the morning and I just finished my study session for today. Been studying since yesterday and I think my body deserves a good sleep. And for you guys who wonder why on earth I suffer myself staying up this late, its because I'm having my final examination in less than a day. Being me as usual, I tend to study at the last minute. Kononnya, kalau study awal cepat lupa -- I totally regret saying that . No I'm not a brilliant student nor a hardworking one, I'm just pretty much like the ordinary students who procrastinate their work at the very last minute.

And this little brain of mine is being such a scumbag giving me all these ideas to blog about when I have final examination. Sigh.. But still, I have time to decorate my blog looking more Didie now. You dig ?? 

Gonna hit the sack now! Wish me luck for my first paper tomorrow. Trust me, I need it. :(

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